Recent content by CFCobalt

  1. CFCobalt


    thassa berry nice.... still have the lambo doors? or did you take those off?
  2. CFCobalt

    CFCobalt's Show Car Build

    lmao....still h8u.... true true...hmmmm.....when i go stage 2 in april, ill just add that to the
  3. CFCobalt

    CFCobalt's Show Car Build

    finally some pics of the completed SC (yes that is a stick holding my hood up...lmao) ill make some vids either tonight or tomorrow....hehehe.... it is a freaking blast tho....good lord this one might get me in trouble...
  4. CFCobalt

    New to Modding

    true....i always forget my lt is weird for coming with 5 lugs...
  5. CFCobalt

    New to Modding

    first off i dont think i told you welcome all depends on what direction youre going with your modding e.g. power/performance, looks/cosmetics, or (my personal favorite) all of the above...and from what it sounds like in your post...youre going for...
  6. CFCobalt

    Official Ricer Thread

    Cobalt... :rofl:
  7. CFCobalt

    Hey CCF!!!!

    worth every single penny....hands down
  8. CFCobalt

    shot some pix

    still one of my favorite base models EVAR...
  9. CFCobalt

    Sorry but,I dont actually like Cobalts,Or Chevys for that matter. want to spend money to modify a rental....then return it back to you can get your "lightly modded" ford back...
  10. CFCobalt

    another new guy!

    i know you! over dude
  11. CFCobalt

    whitney from wv

  12. CFCobalt

    January 2012 COTM Submission Thread

    my sc goes in on thursday...then i'll enter.... and i finally was able to get this site to load....after like
  13. CFCobalt

    November COTM Submission Thread

    so sad...
  14. CFCobalt

    Radio in g5 gone dead

    check yo fuses! seriously....thats my best educated guess...
  15. CFCobalt

    Electric Supercharger?

    $2200 for EVERYTHING (youre right, except the tune)....not just the SC i was lucky and scored a brand new one on ebay for $500....another option to check for you...

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