How to paint bow tie

Cobalt Tom

Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
Auburn, WA
Not originally by me:

Well, I just did this and looked and looked but found no How-to. Its not difficult but figured might save someone some time.

Ratchet with 10mm socket
Painters tape
Razor blade
small pick (or something with a sharp edge for pushing tape into emblem corners)
Spray Paint color of choice
Clear Coat
Rack to place bowtie on

1. pop hood and reach in through the opening for the hood release, you will see two small bolts behind the bowtie. These are 10mm nuts and need to be removed to take bowtie off. Use the ratchet or as i did, simply attach a small extension and turn with finger (they aren't that tight) take car to not push too hard and crack your grill or fascia. Save these nuts.

2. With the bowtie off make sure you clean thoroughly to clear any junk that make be on your bowtie. Must be clean or Paint will not adhere properly.

3. If you want the whole badge one color with no silver trim, skip to step 5. Take the painters tapeand begin wrappnig the silver trim. I found using smaller pieces that fit just one flat area at a time are perfect. use small pick to push tape into corners. I left about a 1/4" overlap onto the gold allow remainder to hand under bowtie. Do not tuck the tape under.

4. Once all the tape is in place use either your fingernail or gentle pressure with the pick to trace the outline of the gap where the silver trim and gold meet. Once you have done this, take your razor and hold flush against the gold section. insert the razor into the small gap between the two colors and trim around to remove tape from gold. This will insure the silver is covered fully and give clean crisp lines. Now remove excess tape from gold.

5. Now, place the newpaper on the rack and place the badge on top of that. I used an old mesh rack that let me push the bolts on the bowtie through the newspaper and through the holes to allow badge to lay flat and flush. Use excess tape to hold piece in place.

6. Begin painting, I used GM color match paint since I wanted Orange to match my car. Use whatever you like. I also purchased Rustoleum's small plastic snap on gun. It snaps right to the top of the spray can to give it a more "Paint Gun" feel. plus no mess on fingers. Start with 1 medium coat of paint (NO RUNS!), allow 10 minutes to dry and then apply 1 light coating of color every 10 minutes afterwards. Apply 4 to 5 coats this way. Lastly apply one more coat that is more like a light-medium. Allow this coat to dry for 25-30 minutes. Begin applying Clear coat in same manner. 1 medium coat/10 minutes, 8 light coats/10 minutes, 1 light to medium coat and let dry 6-8 hours, or overnight as I did.

**Note: Be sure you circle the bowtie completely to cover all edges and angles with paint and clear coat. I purposely put the edge that faces forward (left side of emblem) away and only directly gave it the 1st, 3rd, 5th and final coats of paint. It left it a little light and allowed the jeweled look from underneath the paint to show a little. Cover ALL sides with clear**

7. Once the Paint is fully dried and cured take the razor to the edge between the tape and freshly painted badge. DO NOT LAY RAZOR FLUSH AGAINST PAINT... YOU WILL LIFT SOME! Instead hold steady with both hands and just push the edge into the gap and trace around. This will release any paint that is attached to the tape so it does not lift as you remove the tape. Once you have done this, you may SLOWLY remove the tape. If there are any uneven edges where the paint is still spanning the gap, you may trim it with the razor, just be careful not to remove more than you want.

8. Reinstallation is simple. Line badge back up (it has a TOP label so unless you are a dyslexic stoner and get excited, this should be fairly simple) reinstall nuts on bolts and tighten to a snug and secure fit but do not over tighten. You could also take the opportunity to clean under the badge if you are crazy like I am... and did.

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