Recent content by Projekt

  1. Projekt

    2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe

    ft-86 in winter? why? this is amazing, i will own one of these come 2011, or a FT-86.
  2. Projekt

    Hp tuning in Edmonton

    speaking of 2.4's i did a 15.45 stock. was the fastest time till someone pulled a 14.9 out of their ass
  3. Projekt

    Tuner923's COTM Submission

    please dont do what dunit did. Keep it clean! i like it except the red front badge/cobalt ss decals on the wing. besides that it looks good
  4. Projekt

    Do you want a Chat Room for

    why the **** are you spamming our site with bullshit? just curious?
  5. Projekt

    Turbo Timer Install

    Most turbo's are water cooled. meaning you don't need a turbo timer. a turbo timer was introduced when turbo's use to be cooled by just oil. oil obviously would stay very very hot and needed time to cool down. now however is different.
  6. Projekt

    Sig request

    I did, just havent had time to put it on. can you change the font in the first one and remove TC? maybe something cleaner?
  7. Projekt

    Sig request

    I've dubbed it menstrual red
  8. Projekt

    Sig request

    Understandable. I broke even at poker tonight, was expecting better...also in the lazy mood
  9. Projekt

    Sig request

    I have had the same sig since i bought the car, anyone up for making me a new clean sig?
  10. Projekt

    ECU question

    Dunit PM me exactly what you did. ill get to the bottom of it.
  11. Projekt

    The demon eyes!!!

    bad blood? i got nothing against the guy at all. I don't like what he has done to his car, i think he could have a much cleaner car and have it look a million times better. I also did not like the "overplayed" naming of "mods" he "came" up with. I don't see a problem at all, i think his...
  12. Projekt

    The demon eyes!!!

    No. Some people just cant accept it when other people think their car looks bad. that is all.
  13. Projekt

    The demon eyes!!!

    you always find a way to take offense to what i say. I said, don't be surprised if you get pulled over. chill pill, you need it.
  14. Projekt

    The demon eyes!!!

    red/blue do?? have you ever seen a cop car with its lights on?
  15. Projekt

    The demon eyes!!!

    Your not allowed to have any lights resembling police/emergency vehicles, at least in canada anyways

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