Recent content by BlacK0uT

  1. illest.


  2. tressels.


  3. d/r tressels.

    d/r tressels.

  4. B

    Full Sound System Coming Soon :)

    since i can't live without music.... and have my iPod in my ear 24/7 Alpine Head Unit. 2, 12" Type R Alpine Subs. mrp-m1000 Alpine Sub Amp. mrp-f300 Speaker Amp. Custom Enclosure.
  5. B

    December 2010 COTM Submission(s) Thread

    my submission exterior wise, my car is stock but here you go i guess?
  6. B

    tint pictures - 06 cobalt

    i took a few pictures at Bethlehem Steel/Sans Casino. 15% tint. 2006 Chevy Cobalt LT.
  7. B


    15 all the way. i will post pictures when i get back saturday.!
  8. B

    shorter antenna

    lol i'm not going to make one..i found one now so hopefully it doesn't look too bad. it's only $20.00 too. btw, should i go with the 6'' or 12'' one? vVv
  9. B

    shorter antenna

    thank you!
  10. B

    shorter antenna

    Does anyone know of any good brands for shorter antennas? i can't stand the stock one, obviously because it's like 2 1/2 feet long. i have found a few but they don't look as good as the ones i am use to seeing on some of the cobalts around here. if you have a website for one, let me know...
  11. B


    yeah, i'm getting 15% too. can't wait.
  12. B


    i'm finally going to get some fresh tint on friday. i will put up pictures the day i get it :)
  13. B

    Parking Ticket - color description

    delaware county. springfield to be exact.
  14. B

    Parking Ticket - color description

    i'm just gonna try to fight it tomorrow. if not, $25 isn't a big deal but i still would rather try and fight it first since my car seriously isn't green.

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