EVAP Purge Solenoid gone bad again?!


Junior Member
Dec 30, 2016
Reaction score
Blue Springs, Missouri
Early this year I started having trouble with my 2006 Cobalt staying running. Did some research, found out it was probably the Purge Solenoid, checked it, replaced it, and voila it started running just fine again. Friday morning, after driving my car for several minutes, I barely could keep my car running at stoplights. It was totally fine until it had been driven for several minutes and finally got to normal operating temperature. Managed to limp it home and checked the car for codes. Got a p0455 code. Said it was most likely the gas cap so I checked to make sure it was on tight. It was and it is a new gas cap I purchased this year when I was having trouble with the car in February. Seemed fine all weekend until last night when I made a cold medicine run for my husband. It was driving great until I was on my way home when it tried to die a couple of times until I pulled into my driveway when it died again. Drove it for a bit today. Drove fine until I was heading home and it was at normal driving temperature. It died at least 6 times and I barely made it home. It starts up right away and the battery and alternator are less than 3 years old. It's been a great car except for the frustrations I've been having with it this year. My question is, could it be the EVAP purge solenoid again/already? It's a whopping 3 degrees here with the windchill a -10 so I'm really trying to avoid spending any time outside messing with it. Is there something else I need to replace to keep the solenoid from going bad again? I've not had the best of luck with mechanics here so I tend to do repairs myself if I can. Thanks for any advice!

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