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Full Access Member
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Norristown, PA
ok i got one . brake pedal sticks .. only if i lightly tap the brake like if im going down the highway . if i tap it it dont return all the way i have to pull it just a little with my foot to get the brakelights to shut off . not a sticking brake cause when it does this the car still drives straight . if i give the brake a good jam it returns to where the brakelights arnt on

---------- Post added at 09:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ----------

o another one, on the wifes cobalt . when i drove it last when i would get on the brake the cars motor would like stutter a little and the headlights would dim slightly . i was thinking maybe the belt is slipping but the belt dont make any noise ..... any idea on that one lol

for your brake question either you have low fluid, a hydraulic leak in your master cylinder or worn return spring on the pedal.

for your second question is this on a manual or auto transmission? if manual sounds like clutch is not fully disengaging if it does this with it in gear and the clutch pedal to the floor. the engine is beginning to stall.

if automatic sounds to me like torque converter problem or something is binding up in the transmission

also, GM is known to have a headlight dimming problem even to the point where a vehicle momentarily loses all light. with no codes or current fix for the problem

these are general common solutions but could be something else. also this is not a thread about diagnostics this is supposed to be to help people about "theory of automotive and automobiles".
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Full Access Member
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Princeton, West Virginia
Ok i got a question.....its for my wifes cavi though.....when she hits the brake exp if its a hard brake......the car will brake for a second stutter and then go back to braking....she does have abs however this is like a hardcore stutter the car will like lunge out when it stutters

---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

Also forgot to mention its not the brake pads or rotors......i had those replaced and the problem still occurs


Full Access Member
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Norristown, PA
Ok i got a question.....its for my wifes cavi though.....when she hits the brake exp if its a hard brake......the car will brake for a second stutter and then go back to braking....she does have abs however this is like a hardcore stutter the car will like lunge out when it stutters

---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

Also forgot to mention its not the brake pads or rotors......i had those replaced and the problem still occurs

sounds to me like normal abs operation. when ABS is in operation the pedal should feel a violent vibration and the car should feel almost like a bucking motion. all ABS is... its a module that applies and disengages the brakes repeatedly extremely fast.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------

1st try to re bleed the brakes. Any codes on or stored in the abs module? Also could be the module

air in the brakes would typically only cause a spongy soft feel in the pedal and increased pedal travel.


Aug 13, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah... I couldn't tell at first either.


Yes. 08+ FE5 Struts/Shocks, Pedders, and Powergrids.

And I went through the same problem with my first install of the Pedders. Had both rears upside down. They wouldn't seat all the way... and the rear was a good bit higher. Took them out... looked at them again... and then it was like turning on a light. I saw the slight beehive shape and the rest is history.

I had the same setup, I also had an eibach front sway bar.

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