help question ecu


Junior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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just a bit of history. i have a 06 2.2 auto lt . the other day when getting on the x-way the message center said reduced power then disabling engine and it quit. would not start. then after 10 or so minutes it started then died again. i towed it home about 3 miles. in the garage it would not start and while towing all the power was on lights etc. so i put the charger on it a 15 amps. then i tried to start it and it started and seemed to run fine. i plugged in one scanner and it would not link. after 3 try's it still wouldn't link. so i tried my scan Gage. it linked but came up with 2baaa code. i cleared that code after i found out it meant nothing. i then scanned it and got poooo so i cleared that. i then drove it on a 4 mile loop nothing happened. i took it to the dealer and they said i need a new ecu. and to have it programmed.

so question1 what happened do you think?
2 can i get a junk yard ecu with the same options/ number as mine and have it plug and go or will i still need to get it programed? they want 700$ to do this new.

any help sure will be appreciated thanks bp.

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