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  • werd, winter is a comin, but we haven't had any good amount of snow for me to have fun with :( just burning up the winters on the dry pavement. Honda's doin good, got him fixed and he's actually seeming to be happier now and has more energy. Tho me and him are in a 1 bedroom apartment now and not in a house, i left the condo and was in a 4 bedroom house with 3 friends but that went sour fast and I got my own place :( unfortunately it's in the noisy and shady part of downtown. My building had 6 fire alarms in 1 week and 5 of those times I was sleeping when they went off, honda made it even harder the first few times when he climbed INTO this old recliner i have and I was halfway to panic after spending 10 mins trying to find him then another 2 mins trying to get him out. He did it a 2nd time too and I had to block off the back of it so he couldn't climb in anymore. You got any new upgrades on the Balt?
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