Site Rules

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Cobalt Tom

Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
Auburn, WA
This website and forum were created for owners of the Chevy Cobalt and its sister cars (all delta platform cars) to meet, talk, and share knowledge. We want this to be a relaxed but friendly environment. If you need any assistance or see something that hinders the sites goals please contact a site admin or moderator.

No flaming or trolling - Be respectful of other posters and please keep discussions tasteful. Do not make posts that incite arguments, or any post that turns to arguments and flame wars. Posts of this nature will not be tolerated and can result in the immediate closing, deletion, or editing of the post and the suspension of the posting member's account.

Bashing- No racial or sexual orientation bashing will be permitted at all. This is your warning, first offense will be a temporary ban, second will be permanent. NO EXCEPTIONS

Conflicts – All conflicts should be resolved in private via PM, email, or IM. Do not threaten other members in any way, this will not be tolerated. If you have or see any conflict that has not been resolved according to these rules, please contact a moderator or admin.

Signatures – Max size of 500x100 and 100kb. You may have other text and user bars in addition to this, but site staff reserves right to request that it be shortened or edit its content.

Buying and Selling – You may list items you have for sale, or threads in which you would like to buy something. If the site staff finds that any member is attempting to steal or con anyone there will be immediate action up to and including the user being banned.

Classifieds - In order to post threads in this section, members must first have 50 posts

Buyer Beware - Buying, selling, and trading has inherent risks. All buying, selling, and trading on this forum is conducted at the member's own risk. bears no responsibility for any dealings undertaken among its members. We cannot guarantee the ability of any seller to complete any transaction, not guarantee the quality of any items sold by any seller. It is strongly recommended that you use C.O.D. or an online escrow service. Always use common sense and do research on the product and the seller before making any deal.

Donations - Posts asking for donations due to financial hardship or any other reason are not permitted under any circumstances. For any consideration for the site to endorse a project or fund raiser please PM admin.

Picture Size in Posts – Use common courtesy when posting pictures, some members use smaller display resolutions and/or use a slower internet connection. Please post pics that are not too large or post a link to the pic.

Please post in appropriate sections and stay on topic - There is a members area and off topic section for random talk/ non car related threads. Feel free to use them as much as you want but keep it in those forums please.

Illegal software or content - Do not link illegal software or content. These threads or posts will be deleted.

No nude pictures - All posted or linked pics must be PG-13 or lower. Moderators have the right to judge what is not appropriate. If posting allowed but questionable material, please add a notice in the thread title of *NWS* so that members posting from work do not run into trouble. This does not include the Platinum Members section.

No double posting - Post to the correct forum! We will delete all double posts.

Multiple Accounts - Multiple user accounts for a single person are not allowed for any reason.

Quoting Images - Please do not quote pictures unless it is necessary.

Locked or Deleted Posts - When a post is locked or deleted, it is for a reason. Do not make another post in continuation of the locked or deleted posts or your account is subject to being suspended. Do not make a new post demanding explanation of why a post was locked or deleted. If you would like explanation of a closed or deleted post, respectfully PM the moderators or admin.

Banned Users – When a user is banned, it is for a reason. Do not make posts asking why a member was banned. If you would like to know why someone was banned, respectfully PM the moderators or admin. If you are banned for any period of time, do not register with another username to make a point. If you do, we will permanently deny you access to this website.

Platinum Forum - This forum is only for those that have purchased a 1yr Platinum membership, this forum is considered "anything goes", enter at your own risk, most if not all content will be NWS (Not Work Safe) and may be offensive to some.

No Spam- This forum does not condone user accounts to spam our community. If you are caught doing this for any reason, you will have your post(s) deleted and/or banned. No excuses. reserves the right to edit the site rules at any time, without notification.
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